
Month: March 2024

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CEDILS Exam in Singapore

CEDILS Exam in Singapore

The CEDILS exam, accredited by the University of Venice, evaluates the teaching proficiency of Italian as a second language. This comprehensive assessment assesses candidates' theoretical knowledge and practical skills in language teaching methodologies, lesson planning, classroom management, and assessment techniques. Divided into written and oral components, the exam ensures a thorough evaluation of candidates' teaching abilities across various contexts.

Beyond Easter chocolate eggs: Italy’s delicious regional sweet

Beyond Easter chocolate eggs: Italy’s delicious regional sweet

In many countries Easter means chocolate. Bags of pastel-coloured mini eggs, tin-foil-wrapped chocolate bunnies and the classic hollow egg, ready to be smashed to pieces. These cocoa-based confections are available in Italy – though not in the same aisle-filling quantity – but chocolate simply isn’t the go-to Easter treat it is in other parts of the world.